Working presentation of Senring rotary unions
According to the medium type of transmission, slip ring is divided into the pneumatic slip ring, electric slip ring, as well as the hybrid electric-pneumatic slip ring. Pneumatic slip ring also includs the hydraulic slip ring that can transmit the hydraulic medium including oil, water, etc.The principles of electric-pneumatic slip ring and electric slip ring are similar. Electric slip ring is used for conducting electricity or transmit various signals when the device 360° rotating. Pneumatic slip ring is used for through gas when 360° rotating, such as carbon monoxide, compressed air, steam and various gas.Electric-pneumatic slip ring is the combination of electric slip ring and pneumatic slip ring, it can conduct electricity when 360° rotating and can be combined to transmit kinds of pneumatic mediums, but electric-pneumatic-hydraulic slip ring is added to through pneumatic mediums based on electric-pneumatic slip ring.

No matter what the channels are of electric-pneumatic-hydraulic slip ring, such as 1 circuit, 2 circuits, 3 circuits,..., or 16 circits, their working principles are same. When the slip ring conducts 360° rotating, the pneumatic and hydraulic channels of each circuit are non-interference.
Above are the working presentation of Senring rotary unions and principle drawing, 6 circuits pneumatic slip ring are listed in the picture. For more electric-pneumatic-hydraulic channels, pls contact the engineer of Senring to make customization.
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